I have noticed a steady climb in prices of the E28 M5s. It's almost getting the E30 M3 effect. That makes me really excited, primarily because I have one and I have invested a lot in it :grin.
Do they sell for the asking prices? I don't know, but let's assume they do.
I consider myself to be very on par with the pricing of these and I scavenge the Craigslist nationwide frequently.
This is what I found. VIN: WBSDC9302J2791446

Do they sell for the asking prices? I don't know, but let's assume they do.
I consider myself to be very on par with the pricing of these and I scavenge the Craigslist nationwide frequently.
This is what I found. VIN: WBSDC9302J2791446
I have a 1988 BMW M5 for sale.
170k milesOriginal wheelsNew a/cNew clutchRuns great and was my everyday car until recently.
This is a very rare car.